2021 REF Recommendations

Thank you to all of those who applied for funding under REF Round 14. The Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) is pleased to report that with the passage of House Bill 281 in late June 2022, the 32nd Alaska State Legislature approved and appropriated $15 million, fully funding those 27 renewable energy projects as recommended by AEA. AEA would like to thank the Legislature for its continued recognition of the REF's efficacy in promoting the integration of renewable energy projects within the statewide energy portfolio, and its strong support of the REF program.

Additional Documents

• REF Round 14 Status Report
• REF Round 14 Economic Evaluations
• REF Round 14 Application Summaries Report
• REF Round 14 Approved Projects

Application Documents

REF Round 14 Cover Letter (PDF, 272 KB)
Request for Applications (PDF, 648 KB)
Standard Application Form (Word, 132 KB)
Heat Application Form (Word, 128 KB)

Best Practices Guides

Biomass Best Practices Guide (PDF, 682 KB)
Heat Pumps Best Practices Guide (PDF, 677 KB)
Heat Recovery Best Practices Guide (PDF, 488 KB)
Hydro Power Best Practices Guide (PDF, 685 KB)
Solar Power Best Practices Guide (PDF, 676 KB)
Wind Power Best Practices Guide (PDF, 686 KB)

Economic Evaluation Model

Evaluation Model (Excel, 1.5 MB)
Rural Fuel Model Report (PDF, 627 KB)
Pricing Excess Electricity (PDF, 859 KB)

Additional Documents

Phase Prerequisites Checklists (Excel, 60 KB)
Business and Operations Management Plan Template (Word, 51 KB)
Business and Operations Management Plan Tables Template (Excel, 22 KB)
REF Round XIII Status Report (PDF, 1.64 MB)
Electronic Payment Form (PDF, 165 KB)
W-9 (PDF, 143 KB)


If you need assistance, please contact AEA’s Grants Coordinator by email at grants@akenergyauthority.org or by phone at (907) 771-3081.

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