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BFU O&M Video Tutorials
Video #1:
Y Strainer Service Procedure
Description: This video outlines the proper approach to performing a Y Strainer service.
Summary: A comprehensive description of how to service the “Y” strainer located in your tank farm. All strainers must be cleaned periodically in order to prevent material build up. Isolate the strainer, close and lock the appropriate valves, and turn off all electrical switches connected.
Video #2:
Tank Water Draw Procedure
Description: This video provides its viewers with the appropriate procedure required to properly drain water from bulk tanks using a water draw tube or a drain valve, depending on the size of their own tank.
Summary: To drain a tank of water, first locate the drain valve. Then, remove the lock, and the end plug. After these few steps are completed, open the valve and drain the water into a bucket beneath. To drain from the top of the tank, first locate the water drainpipe, remove the pipe cap and attach hand pump to pipe. Following both procedures of draining, verify that the water has been removed by dipping water paste in. After the water has been removed, replace the pipe cap.
Video #3:
Fuel Truck Loading Procedure
Description: This video depicts the correct way to transfer fuel from the bulk tank to the fuel tank truck.
Summary: Operator extensively outlines the steps needed to a complete a safe fuel transfer. First, attach static wire to truck to ensure no static electricity is present during the transfer. Then, unlock and open main valve until handle is parallel with the piping. Next, open the truck-loading valve. Hand the fuel dispenser off to other assistant present then set the meter to zero to indicate how many gallons the truck is filled with. Once the pump switch is turned on, one operator can begin the fueling of the truck.
Video #4:
Fuel Inventory Tracking
Description: This video shows the proper way to track fuel upon delivery in order to ensure the right amount of fuel was received and none of it has leaked.
Summary: Inventory tracking helps to determine the amount of fuel necessary and the time in which you need to make your next fuel order. Inventory tracking is also valuable as it helps detect possible theft activity or potential fuel leak. A personal inventory tracking form is available in the video. Upon review of video, the viewer will know how to fill out inventory form properly.
Video #5:
Manual Tank Gauging Procedure
Description: This video shows how to manually gauge the level of both fuel and water in your tank. This procedure is beneficial in verifying the accuracy of your clock gauge.
Summary: For this procedure, you will need a gauging tape, a brass plumb bob, water gauging paste and a rag. To begin, locate the gauging hatch and remove its cover. After the cover is removed, apply paste to plumb bob. Note that when the water gauging paste comes in contact with the water, the paste will turn color. Be sure to attach the grounding strap to the tank to remove any static electricity flow. Drop plumb bob into tank until reaching the bottom then check if there has been color change on plumb bob. Repeat this process again to check if the depth is the same as the first. Seal and replace cover following dipping procedure.
Video #6:
Daily Start-Up Procedure
Description: In this video, an operator learns the proper procedure to follow to start up the tank farm for the day.
Summary: First, check the security fence to ensure no disturbances have occurred. Enter the facility and inspect the tank farm while being especially observant of any spills or leaks. Continue walking through the entire facility and checking all valves to verify that they are closed. Then check the dispensing tank’s fuel level. Following the walk through of facility, head to the control center and turn power on to begin operations for the day.
Video #7:
Spill Response Procedures
Description: This video outlines the different procedures an operator must follow in response to an oil spill on a tank farm. The video also contains numerous safety precautions important to ensuring safety in the event of a spill.
Summary: In the event of an oil spill, an operator’s first action should be to assess the situation and evaluate their options. An operator should always refer to the safety material data sheet to gather product safety information. The most important thing an operate must bare in mind in the event of a spill is how to safely and effectively stop the spill from spreading or causing further damage.
Video #8:
Nightly Shut Down Procedure
Description: This video shows the methods that an operator must follow when shutting down a tank farm for the night.
Summary: Begin your nightly shut down by visually inspecting the property. If everything is properly intact on the property, close and lock the gate. Then, operator must walk through the tank farm to check for any leaks. To complete shut down procedure, operator must power down control center.
Video #9:
Tank Farm Facility Safety
Description: This video provides valuable safety procedures to adhere to while working at tank farms.
Summary: When working on a tank farm, it is important to know your warning alarms and proper steps to take should an alarm sound. Several directions are included in the video to benefit all tank farm operators in their knowledge of safety.
Video #10:
Retail Dispensing Procedure
Description: This video outlines the procedure for safely dispensing fuel from the retail dispenser.
Summary: To begin, operator must enter the gate, remove nozzle, turn pump on, reset meter to zero, pull hose out, insert hose into vehicle and then return hose to its resting place within gate. Gate must be locked after procedure is completed.
Video #11:
Overview of Tank Farm Regulations
Description: This video provides a condensed overview of certain tank farm regulations and the necessary responses in the event of a spill.
Summary: All tank farm operators are required by law to know how to respond to a spill and to have the proper materials to prevent a spill from worsening. In order to ensure an oil spill does not occur, certain regulatory requirements must be followed. If an oil spill does occur, an operator must understand the procedure to follow in an initial spill response.
Video #12:
Overview of Tank Farm and Components
Description: This video depicts and describes the various components of a tank farm.
Summary: The dispenser lies inside of a protective gate that keeps it from outside harm. Notable components of the tank farm are its control panel, its truck loading area, bulk storage tanks, dispensing tank, and various valves and pumps. An operator must have extensive knowledge of the tank farm in order to keep maintain machinery.
Video #13:
Monthly Inspection
Description: This video describes how to perform a monthly tank inspection.
Summary: Prior to performing an inspection task, be sure to read and review the procedure manual specific to your facility. There are several features of every facility that you must be aware of in order to successfully complete tank inspection.
Video #14:
Monthly Day Tank Inspection
Description: This video describes what the operator needs to inspect monthly on their power plant day tank.
Summary: This inspection is essentially the same as a daily tank inspection. Verify that pump works on control panel and test alarm.
Video #15:
Marine Transfer of fuel to Bulk Tanks
Description: This video details the various procedures involved in receiving fuel from a marine barge. Deliveries by airplane or truck will have similar procedures.
Summary: Prior to arrival to barge, ensure that everything is in place and is secure for transfer. Be sure to review all required government documents and spill response procedures. Thoroughly inspect piping and tanks.
Video #16:
Fuel Transfer
Description: This video demonstrates how to transfer fuel from a bulk tank to a dispensing tank.
Summary: Before performing procedure, check the dispensing tank level to determine how much product is in it. Three feet will be a normal fill level.
Video #17:
Replacing a Flange Basket
Description: This video shows the procedure for changing a flange gasket in your tank farm.
Summary: After identifying the flange gasket needs to be changed, isolate the piping system by closing off valves upstream and downstream. After closing valves, lock them to ensure a safe procedure. Make sure all electrical equipment is turned off. Loosen bolts then drain the fuel in to a container then remove gasket. After gasket is removed, the change can begin.
Video #18:
Filter Change in Water/Fuel Separator
Description: This video shows how to properly change the water/fuel separator filter in tank farm.
Summary: The fuel/water separator requires semi-annual maintenance. To begin, close and lock all valves. Unlock and remove plug then open drain valve fully to remove pressure from fuel. After fuel is drained, close valve and replace the plug. Remove old filter and insert new filter and spring. Be sure to inspect ring gasket on top for any rips or tears. After inspection, close cover and tighten valves.
Video #19:
Fuel Dispenser Filter Change Procedure
Description: This video shows the proper procedure for changing the fuel filter at the fuel dispenser.
Summary: To begin, close all valves. Make sure to relieve all pressure out of the system. The operator performing the procedure must turn off emergency switch before proceeding. Reduce all pressure then remove the old filter from the fuel dispenser.
Video #20:
Daily Tank Inspection
Description: This video describes what is necessary for daily check up on your tank in power plant.
Summary: The power plant is equip with an auto fill day tank that provides fuel for the generator. To begin the daily check, read the gauge on the bolt tank and ensure there is an adequate fuel supply. Following this, enter the day tank and proceed to inspect.
Video #21:
Secondary Containment Maintenance
Description: This video shows how to properly maintain the containment area inside of the tank farm.
Summary: To begin, inspect water for sheen. In the event that sheen is present in the water, make sure to soak up as much of it as possible. Drain sump using a hose and begin water extraction.
Video #22:
Clock Gauge Calibration
Description: This video depicts the proper method to calibrate the clock gauge.
Summary: Clock gauge is used for a visual reference of how much fuel is in the storage tank. To re-calibrate, operate must take a manual reading of the quantity of fuel in the tank. Remove medal ring around clock gauge then follow video procedure to calibrate.
Video #23:
Business Pan for Bulk Fuel Program
Description: This video describes how the bulk fuel program operates.
Summary: Communities are able to purchase bulk fuel at the best price under the best terms.
Video #24:
Breaker Reset
Description: This video shows what an operator must do in the event of an electrical problem on a tank farm. An operator must know how to check the panel for tripped breakers.
Summary: Operator must first open the electrical panel and then open breaker box. If breakers have been tripped, reset them and turn back on. Re-lock hatch cover.
Bulk Fuel Upgrade Program
BFU O&M Video Tutorials
BFU Trainings
Bulk Fuel Operator Handbooks
MOA with Alaska Fire Marshal
Project Status & Priority Ranking
Bulk Fuel Walkthrough