AEA Video Series

At the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA), we’re dedicated to reducing the cost of energy in Alaska. Our efforts focus on diversifying Alaska’s energy portfolio to increase resiliency, reliability, and redundancy.

Watch our video series to explore our transformative projects.

Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Video

Energized in September 1991, the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project was a monumental achievement for its time and continues to deliver immense value today. Located near Homer, Alaska, this 120-megawatt facility has reliably supplied about 10 percent of the Railbelt's annual power for over 30 years, providing some of the most affordable electricity to more than 550,000 Alaskans from Homer to Fairbanks. Its ongoing contribution remains a cornerstone of the Alaska’s energy future. 

Dixon Diversion Project Video

AEA is studying $342 million Dixon Diversion Project to optimize Bradley Lake’s energy production by 50%, enough to power 30,000 homes and offset 1.5 billion cubic feet of natural gas annually, addressing a portion of the Cook Inlet energy shortfall. The project will create thousands of jobs, drive economic growth, and continue to provide clean, renewable energy for Alaska's future. AEA plans to file with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission this year, with construction set to begin soon and completion targeted for 2030.

High-Voltage Direct Current Submarine Transmission Line Video

The $413 million project to construct a 38-mile High-Voltage Direct Current Submarine Transmission Line across Cook Inlet is a transformative initiative aimed at addressing the fragility of Alaska’s Railbelt electrical system. By linking Nikiski on the Kenai Peninsula with Anchorage’s Beluga substation, the project will enhance grid reliability and energy transfer capacity, providing a redundant power pathway. This crucial development supports Alaska's transition to a carbon-free future by improving resilience, facilitating clean energy adoption, and promoting fuel diversification.

Rural Energy Infrastructure Video

AEA ensures reliable energy in rural Alaska through strategic partnerships and advanced technology. AEA maintains critical Rural Energy Infrastructure, upgrades fuel storage systems, and supports power generation and distribution in remote communities. Their work, including emergency support and training, helps keep the lights on and improves quality of life across rural Alaska.