From 2009 through 2017, AEA assisted Alaska’s regions with developing regional energy plans. Beginning with the Railbelt Integrated Resource Plan in 2009 and the Southeast Integrated Resource Plan in 2011, AEA’s regional energy planning program provided a way for Alaskans to determine their energy priorities and formulate a concrete, implementable, fundable energy plan. The plans addressed energy needed by communities and regions for electricity, heat and transportation. Each energy region had the opportunity to create a specific action plan for a less expensive, more reliable, efficient and sustainable energy future. Each planning effort included regional stakeholders, evaluated alternatives and provided a prioritized action plan of projects.
Previously completed energy plans:
The Southeast Alaska Integrated Resource Plan was completed in 2012 by Black & Veatch and HDR Alaska.
After the completion of the Railbelt and Southeast IRPs, AEA was tasked with producing energy plans for the rest of the state. Over three years, AEA worked with regional entities to produce regional energy plans with significant local and regional input.