In spring 2024, the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) and the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) were selected for a $62.5 million Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Solar for All grant aimed at making solar electric energy accessible to underserved Alaskans. Income-qualified individuals and communities will benefit from residential and community solar projects, with no cost matching required of applicants! Sign up here for email updates to learn more as the program progresses.
In spring 2024, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the conditional award of a $62.45 million Solar for All grant to lead-applicant AEA, and its partners. A workplan was submitted by AEA to the EPA in October 2024, and funding is expected to be released to AEA in January of 2025.
The Solar for All program is a $7 billion competitive grant program through EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Fund authorized by the Inflation Reduction Act. It is designed to deploy residential and community solar photovoltaic (PV) projects benefiting underserved, low-income households, with no cost matching required from the grantees.
Once fully funded by the EPA, AEA’s Alaska Solar for All (AKSFA) program will begin a two-pronged approach to supporting solar PV development in Alaska, supporting community solar installations and residential solar PV systems for low-income and disadvantaged households.
Furthermore, the Alaska Tribal Solar for All (ATSFA) program, under a separate EPA grant, will be led by Tanana Chiefs Conference. Planning efforts for both grants will be underway until summer of 2025.
Statewide Programs: Alaska Solar for All (AKSFA)
AEA will run two sub-programs of AKSFA, focusing on community-scale solar and single/multifamily residential solar installations, respectively.
AEA and AHFC's Proposal Details
More info on AHFC’s Solar for All Residential Rooftop Program, under ATSFA and AKSFA grants, and related programs, can be found here.
Expected AKSFA program launch date: July 2025
Tribal Programs: Alaska Tribal Solar for All (ATSFA)
Tanana Chiefs Conference (TCC), under their federally funded Alaska Tribal Solar for All (ATSFA) program, separate from AEA’s AKSFA grant but also working with AHFC’s residential solar program, is working with its partners to implement two further sub-programs:
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