Jenn Miller

Jenn Miller
Board Member

Jenn Miller is the co-founder and CEO of Renewable IPP, an Alaskan-grown small business deploying utility-scale solar farms. Renewable IPP’s mission is to diversify Alaska’s energy generation mix and suppress energy prices with cost-competitive renewable energy projects. In 2018, the company delivered Alaska’s first commercial solar farm, the 140 kilowatt Willow pilot and has since completed the 1.2 megawatt (MW) Willow Solar Farm and most recently the 8.5MW Houston Solar Farm, currently the largest in the state.

Miller has a passion for affordable and reliable energy and sees collaboration across all project stakeholders (utilities, land owners, project financers and the local community) as the essential method for a project to deliver those results. As a professional mechanical engineer, Miller has worked in the oil and gas and renewable energy industries.

Born and raised in Eagle River, Alaska, she is excited about Alaska’s opportunities to improve its energy outlook. The Alaska Energy Authority will play a key role in shepherding that new future into fruition. She appreciates the opportunity to serve her home state.